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Health Professionals

Kirklees Wellness Service (KWS), is an integrated health improvement service offer. The service is for adults (18+) who live in Kirklees and who have identified a need for further help to improve their health and wellbeing. The service is for people who are committed to identifying personal goals and making a change.

Please note that we accept referrals for adults 16+ for our Smoking Cessation and Healthy Weight support

Wellness Coaches work with people using motivational interviewing and health coaching techniques to refine goals and plan change. This helps to tackle things that get in the way of being well, build confidence and skills to self-manage. Wellness Coaches can work with people for up to 12 sessions. The Service is delivered Kirklees-wide and appointments take place in local community venues such as libraries and community centres to ensure we remain accessible. We also offer appointments on evenings.

The types of things that people need help with could include:

  • Improving mood and building confidence
  • Improving mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Achieving a healthy weight
  • Managing long term conditions
  • Wellbeing support if they are caring for someone
  • Increasing contact with people and activities
  • Increasing physical activity levels
  • Stopping smoking or reducing drinking

Healthy Weight Referral Criteria

Eligibility criteria

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Kirklees resident
  • BMI 30kg/m2 – 50kg/m2
  • BAME a BMI 27.5kg/m2- 50kg/m2 or
  • BMI 25kg/m2- 50kg/m2 with a weight related co-morbidity
  • Be motivated to commit to a programme

Exclusion criteria (checked via online confirmation on referral form)

  • Client at moderate to high risk of hypoglycaemia
  • An underlying medical cause for obesity which would benefit from more specialised clinical management
  • Pregnant/ up to 6months post-partum
  • Eating disorder
  • Complex psychiatric conditions (particularly if currently under a CPN)
  • Currently under specialist care for nutrition-related support i.e.: dietitian, nutrition nurse, diabetes or renal team etc.
  • Have significant co-morbidities or complex needs as identified by their GP or other healthcare professionals (i.e.: chronic kidney disease, active cancer treatment, liver disease etc.)
  • Learning disabilities

NOTE: if the client is deemed too complex for our service then we will refer them back to the GP

  • Stop Smoking

    You are three times more likely to have a successful quit attempt by seeking support.

  • Move More

    Being active benefits your body, mind and health – and there are lots of easy ways you can get moving.

  • Healthy Weight

    Learn how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through gradual and sustainable lifestyle changes.

  • Carers Support Sessions

    Caring for yourself or a loved one can be very positive and rewarding but at times can bring a number of emotional and practical challenges.

  • Mental Health/ Active For Life

    Good mental health is important to everyone. Leading a life with good mental health and wellbeing helps you to relax more and enjoy your life whilst also supporting you by having better physical health.

Refer to the Wellness Service