Wellness starts with you
Our service aim is for people living healthier, happier lives and feeling more able to look after themselves. We support adults 18 years+
on a one-to-one basis to develop personally tailored health and wellbeing goals. Wellness Coaches work with people
using motivational interviewing and health coaching techniques to refine goals and plan change.
Must read, watch and listen
Make 2025 the year you quit smoking for good.
When you quit smoking, good things start to happen — you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health. It’s much easier to quit when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Contact the Kirklees Wellness Service to access our free stop smoking support offer. If you’re not quite ready to stop, […]
Project Empowerment
Are you looking to get into work, but have health concerns that are holding you back? We can help you take your next steps with confidence. Our new programme provides tailored support to help you in the following ways: Address your health issues Build your confidence Develop your life skills Develop your work skills by identifying education and training opportunities Help […]
Queer As Smoke
Kirklees Wellness Service has teamed up with the Queer as Smoke campaign Queer as Smoke | The Brunswick Centre to support LGBTQ+ smokers. This campaign was launched by the local charity the Brunswick Centre as part of its work to raise awareness among the community and service providers. The campaign is visible across social media and targeted work at local LGBTQ+ […]
Gambling Understood
Gambling products are designed to keep us playing – increasing their addictive potential. They are designed to make us play more, spend more, and lose more. Get the right help for you, a family member, or a friend. Visit gamblingunderstood.co.uk for more information. Gambling Understood aim is to encourage and empower people to talk and seek further information about gambling harms […]
Kirklees Libraries Website
Visit the new website for the Kirklees Libraries: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE NEW LIBRARY WEBSITE Kirklees Libraries provide a range of books, resources and information to help people improve their health and wellbeing. We work closely with partner organisations to promote positive health messages and signpost to relevant support. Check out what we have – you might be surprised at what […]
Healthy Start-Thriving Kirklees
A healthy diet during pregnancy is important for both the mother and the development and growth of the unborn baby. Good nutrition during pregnancy and in early childhood helps prepare for healthy adulthood and can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and some cancers. If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be […]
Join the Auntie Pam’s Team and Become a Volunteer
Becoming a Volunteer Join the Auntie Pam’s Team and become a volunteer. If you think you would like to volunteer at Auntie Pam’s in Dewsbury or Huddersfield, or would like more information call 01484 414775 to speak to one of the team or email auntiepams@kirklees.gov.uk and ask for an application form. You can also download a form. You don’t need any […]
KAL Exercise Referral Programmes
Refer to the Exercise Referral Scheme via the below link: CLICK HERE TO REFER TO THE EXERCISE REFERRAL SCHEME Both KAL’s Livewell and Fitness for Health programmes require a referral from a Health Care professional. Refer to the Exercise Referral Scheme via the below link: CLICK HERE TO REFER TO THE EXERCISE REFERRAL SCHEME
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