Carers Support Sessions

Caring for yourself or a loved one can be very positive and rewarding but at times can bring a number of emotional and practical challenges.

An icon of two hands touching palms on a white background.

How we can support you as a carer

Carers Wellbeing sessions

As a service we deliver and support carers through our group sessions, exploring some of the challenges and difficult emotions carers may experience.

Carers and the session facilitators discuss and share different ways to manage challenges, stress levels and ideas and techniques carers can use to improve and support their own physical and emotional wellbeing whilst caring for someone.

Individual support that carers may need can also be provided through the Wellness Service, Carers Trust and our partners Carers Count.

What sessions are available?

Building Resilience

A reflective and motivational session exploring a number of topics to help carers build on their existing strengths and knowledge to be able to look after their own emotional and physical wellbeing and better manage their caring role.

Caring for Someone with Memory Deterioration

In this session we explore common symptoms, behaviours and feelings the person you care for may be experiencing.

Our Latest Course timetable is:

Building Resilience Dewsbury Fire Station19th September10:30am-12:30pm
Building Resilience Virtual2nd October1:00pm-2:30pm
Building ResilienceDewsbury Fire Station16th October10:30am-12:30pm
Caring for Someone with Memory Deterioration Huddersfield Fire Station17th October 10:30am-12:30pm
Caring for Someone with Memory Deterioration Batley Crescent23rd October10:30am-12:30pm
Building Resilience Session for Caring for someone with Parkinsons Huddersfield Fire Station 6th November10am-12:00pm
Building ResilienceBrian Jackson House, Huddersfield14th November 10:30am-12:30pm
Caring for Someone with Memory DeteriorationVirtual 3rd December 10:30am-12:00pm

Carers who have attended the sessions have said:

“Very informative, delivered in a friendly way which meant it was easy to have discussions.”

“Left with the knowledge that there are services out there which will support. Thank you”

“I was a bit apprehensive about attending this course, but I found it very relevant and I fell I’ve learned some positive strategies. I was worried the course would make me feel more down about being a carer, but on the contrary, I feel you’ve given me a lot of food for thought and I’m feeling better about things in just a couple of hours. Thank you.”

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National Carers Week 10th-16th June 2024

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Mindfullness Audio

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Chair Based Exercises

ant to improve your strength, mobility and flexibility whilst at home? Check out this video to see how…

Refer to the Wellness Service