International Long Covid Awareness Day- 15th March 2025

In recognition of International Long Covid Day on March 15th, here are some quotes from members of our peer support group:

I lost my identity. Long Covid stopped me from living my life. My body hurts, but no-one can see it. Joining the Council Wellness Service LCG joined me to people who understood what I was saying. They helped me to make plans to live again. The group are all kind and inspiring. I am now back to working full time directly because of this group. Life is still hard, but I am managing it.

Since I have joined Long Covid Group – I have felt understood, given ideas on how to cope, built friendships – feel less isolated, given information and have ideas about other groups.

Long Covid isolated me , I felt invisible! The group helped me find my place in the world.

I have made new friends, I’m not alone it’s given me a reason to get out, brought happiness, confidence, new skills and hope!

The group has given us someone and people to talk to who have things in common.

Refer to the Wellness Service