
Must read

International Long Covid Awareness Day- 15th March 2025

In recognition of International Long Covid Day on March 15th, here are some quotes from members of our peer support group: I lost my identity. Long Covid stopped me from living my life. My body hurts, but no-one can see it. Joining the Council Wellness Service LCG joined me to people who understood what I was saying. They helped me to […]

Supporting Local Business to Stop Smoking

At Wellness Service, we are passionate about helping people live healthier, smoke-free lives. Recently, we had the pleasure of working with a local business, Jay-Be, supporting their staff on a 12-week journey to quit smoking. Over six weeks, we provided on-site support, offering information, encouragement and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy followed by another 6 weeks of ongoing phone support, ensuring they […]

Men’s Mental Health Month

Every November is men’s mental health awareness month which is an annual campaign dedicated to raising the awareness about the mental health challenges faced by men. It is important that society addresses the stigma around men and mental ill health and break down the barriers to support someone who is struggling. Men are 3 x more likely to take their own […]

World Mental Health Day 2024-October 10th

Wellness supporting World Mental Health Day working with colleagues at Greenhead Park.

Stoptober 2024

STOP SMOKING FOR STOPTOBER AND YOU’RE FIVE TIMES MORE LIKELY TO QUIT FOR GOOD Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join the 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with the campaign previously. Over 5 million adults in England still smoke. Smoking causes 64,000 deaths a year, making it the biggest cause of preventable illness and […]

Project Empowerment

Are you looking to get into work, but have health concerns that are holding you back? We can help you take your next steps with confidence. Our new programme provides tailored support to help you in the following ways: Address your health issues Build your confidence Develop your life skills Develop your work skills by identifying education and training opportunities Help […]

Must watch

Chair Based Exercises

ant to improve your strength, mobility and flexibility whilst at home? Check out this video to see how…

Struggling with Sleep?

Watch this video to see how you might be able to help yourself sleep better, and more comfortably.

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Must listen

Mindfullness Audio

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