Mental Health/ Active For Life

Good mental health is important to everyone. Leading a life with good mental health and wellbeing helps you to relax more and enjoy your life whilst also supporting you by having better physical health.

An icon of a human brain with a heart overlaid on a white background.

Active For Life

What is Active for Life?

Active for Life is a Physical Activity Recovery Programme. It is designed to enable people who experience complex secondary mental ill health and are currently inactive, to discover the benefits of being more active.

What does the scheme involve?

Active for Life involves you working with a Health Coach to increase your levels of physical activity. Working together may enable you to:
• Find activities you enjoy and which fit with your lifestyle.
• Design, agree and follow a personalised activity plan.
• Develop confidence, learn new skills and improve your fitness.

Throughout the scheme the Health Coach will offer an agreed level of support and encouragement to help you increase your activity levels and enjoy the many benefits regular physical activity can offer.

Activities available whilst on Active for Life

Active for Life Walk

Getting outdoors and walking is a great way to improve both your physical and mental health. Walking as part of a group is also a fantastic way to keep motivated and meet new people.

The Active for Life Walk are free and lead by Wellness Coaches and Walk Leaders who can support and guide you as you become more active.

Generally, the walks take place within local parks and or where there are rest places available. The walks are particularly beneficial for people with low fitness levels, low confidence when walking and or those who simply want to enjoy a low-level walk in the company of others.

Once people have built up their fitness and confidence to walk, they will be encouraged and supported to move into other mainstream walking offers within the community.

LocationMeet PointDay TimeLive Updates
Huddersfield Leisure CentreOutside Huddersfield Leisure CentreWednesday1pmOngoing
Wilton Park, BatleyCar Park between the pond and cafeThursday1.30pmOngoing


Active for Life Activity Hour

The Active for Life Activity hour is run every Wednesday 1.30 – 2.30pm at Greenhead Park, Huddersfield and is free.

Whilst attending the activity hour, there is a chance to partake in several activities such as bowling, tennis, walking, boccia and many more. Each activity is linked to a community group that is run in the park so there is a chance to carry on the activity in the community.

LocationMeet PointDayTimeLive Updates
Greenhead ParkCommunity room by the tennis courtsWednesday1:30pmOngoing



Cycling is a fantastic way to raise your heart rate, improve cardiovascular function, and enhance your overall fitness level whilst in a social setting.

To partake in the cycle session, the participant must be able to ride a bike, The aim is to build confidence and fitness so that the participant may move onto a community group to continue with their journey. Bikes and helmets are provided.

LocationMeet PointDayTimeLive Updates
Spenborough Running Track, Bradford Road, Dewsbury WF15 6EGMeet Track side near containers just off the track. Bikes will be out and a member of staff to greet you.Monday12:30pmStopped until further notice
Leeds Road Sports ComplexReception AreaThursday1:30pmStopped until further notice


Active for Life 1-1 in the Gym

Active for Life can also support participants in the gym by providing 4 weeks of 1-1 work introducing them to the machines and giving them a programme to follow to help improve fitness and confidence when in a gym setting.

Whilst on Active for Life the participant will get a 4 week FREE membership to the sports centre where they will be able to access the gym, swimming and exercise classes with weekly goal setting sessions to help improve confidence. The participant will get a programme tailored to their needs and supported for 4 weeks. Once the 4 weeks is over and the participants have attended sessions at least 6 times they will then move onto a subsidised membership for the year.

The sign up and tour of the facilities will be on the first Friday of each month and after that the participants will receive 1-1 gym sessions. The table below shows the dates of the sign up and tour of the facilities.

**(At the minute it is only at Huddersfield Sports Centre but will be at a north site soon)**

7th February 2025Huddersfield Leisure Centre9:30am
7th March 2025Huddersfield Leisure Centre9:30am
4th April 2025Huddersfield Leisure Centre9:30am
2nd May 2025Huddersfield Leisure Centre9.30am
6th June 2025Huddersfield Leisure Centre9.30am

How much does Active for Life cost?

The basic Active for Life service is free of charge. This includes regular one to one meetings, activity plans, information and support as agreed between you and the Health Coach.
Some activities, including walking and cycling are also free. However, there is a charge for other activities, such as activity classes, swimming and using a gym.

How can I join?

You need to be referred by a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN). They will decide whether your health could benefit from some regular activity and can complete a referral form to enable you to join the scheme.

Your CPN can refer by clicking on the ‘Refer to the Wellness Service’ button on the right hand side of the screen.


Mental Health for you and others

The Mental Health for you and others is a FREE course for anchor groups, community groups or workplaces dedicated to helping you support your own mental health and the mental health of others. This course will help raise your awareness of mental health issues and offer insight into ways of coping with challenges.

The 3 hour course will cover:

  • What is mental health?
  • Perceptions associated with mental health
  • What does good mental health look like?
  • Influences on mental health
  • Coping mechanisms
  • Practical breathing techniques and relaxation
  • Mental Health in others
  • How to support someone in crisis
  • Resources

If you are interested in hosting a mental health for you and others course, please contact the Wellness Service on 01484 234095 or email

Must read, watch and listen

Men’s Mental Health Month

Every November is men’s mental health awareness month which is an annual campaign dedicated to raising the awareness about the mental health challenges faced by men. It is important that society addresses the stigma around men and mental ill health and break down the barriers to support someone who is struggling. Men are 3 x more likely to take their own […]

Mental Health for You and Others Course delivered to Kirklees Council YEN

Kirklees Wellness Service delivered the 3-hour Mental Health to You and Others Course to a cohort of staff that are in the Young Employees Network (YEN) supporting their mental wellbeing. As part of Mental Health Awareness week, the Wellness Service worked with Luc Bride who is chair for the YEN to provide support for young employees to support their own mental […]

Mindfullness Audio
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Watch this video to see how you might be able to help yourself sleep better, and more comfortably.

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Helpful resource

Refer to the Wellness Service